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Math Riddles For Class 1


Math riddles are fun-filled and kids will love these for sure.

Math riddles are a way of creating enthusiasm in young minds.

In the classroom, teachers can begin each day’s class with an interesting math riddle. Here I’ve included some easy math riddles for class 1 students.

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  1. Find me

I am less than 10, but greater than 5

I am the sum of number of sides of two squares

Who am I?

Ans- Eight

2. Who am I?

I am between 1 and 5.

I am more than 2 and less than 4.

Ans- Three

3. Find me

I am more than the number of sides of a triangle

You will get me if you add 2 twice.

Ans- 4

4. I lie between the numbers 1 and 10

But I am less than 9

You will get me if you add the sides of two triangles

Who am I?

Ans- 6

5. I am more than 5 but less than 8.

I am one more than the fingers on one hand.

Who am I?

Ans- 6

6. I am less than 20.

But I am more than 10.

I am 1 more than the number of months in a year.

Who am I?

Ans- 13

7. I am between 1 and 10

I am 2 more than the number of days in a week.

Who am I?

Ans- 9

8. I am between 0 and 20.

I am 5 more than the number of toes in feet.

What number am I?

Ans- 15

9. I am more than 10 and less than 15

You will get me if you add 3 to 10.

What number am I?

Ans- 13

10. You will get me if you add the sides of a square and a rectangle.

I am less than 10 and greater than 5.

What number am I?

Ans- 8

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