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For Teachers

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15 Best Free Apps for Online Teaching

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a rapid shift in the way education is delivered, with online teaching and learning becoming the new normal. In this era of online teaching, educators are exploring new technologies to make the learning experience more interactive, engaging, and effective for students. With the abundance of free apps for online […]

For Teachers

30 Inspirational Movies That Every Student Must Watch

Traditional classroom teaching alone cannot motivate every student. Given that children love entertainment, inspirational movies are an effective and easy medium to motivate them. If you are a teacher or a parent, you might understand this very well. It is essential for students to feel affection towards learning. Access Here More Than 1000+ FREE Educational […]

For Teachers

12 Must Have Lesson Planning Apps for Teachers

Nowadays, teaching is becoming increasingly complex, so lesson planning is essential for keeping track of the curriculum and making sure that all students can reach their full potential. As teachers, it is essential to have the right tools at our disposal to help us plan our lessons. Lesson planning apps are a great way to […]

For Teachers

24 Best Teachers Day Quotes | Happy Teachers Day 2023

A good teacher makes a good pupil. The saying is relevant and to emphasize this “valuable quote”, we celebrate Teacher’s Day every year as a mark of respect to our guiding lights, our teachers. Teachers are the ones who teach us the meaning of life. They are not only limited to classrooms. In our daily […]

For Teachers

Best Apps For Teachers and Educators

Top Apps For Teachers and Educators Today’s learning arena has reached into a digital space where students sit at the comfort of their homes and classes have turned into virtual rooms. As the present situation is demanding online learning, teachers have a huge role in adapting to the new space where they must depend more […]

For Teachers

Assignment Management System: How is it Beneficial For Schools?

In a glance… What is an assignment and project management system? Major benefits of Assignment Management System Features of Assignment Management System Highlights of Assignment Management System Types of Assignments How is Assignment and project management system useful for teachers How the assignment and project management system work How evaluation is carried out, once the […]

For Teachers

How To Design And Teach A Course From The Ground Up

Designing and teaching a course requires in-depth planning and an ongoing revision. Most probably, you will require recommendations from your colleagues. It is possible to obtain inspiration from other similar courses. To prepare a good foundation for your course design, you need at least 6 months. This time period is necessary to define course goals, […]

For Teachers

27 Tips To Reduce Teacher Burnout

Teacher burnout is usually associated with the thoughts of being undervalued, overburdened or underpaid. Being selfless, passionate, and servile in nature adds to a teacher’s worries. It is no surprise why many of them leave their profession halfway. However, there is a solution for everything and this case is no different. Applying some tricks and […]

For Teachers

17 Tips for Saving your “Teacher Voice”

Being a teacher, voice is your utmost asset. Keep it healthy and loud by following tips. Teaching a class of at least 60 students comes with an occupational hazard of losing the voice. You must have thought of losing the minds – well, that teachers lose in the very beginning of their tenure as a […]

For Teachers

Top 18 Road Safety Rules To Teach Your Students

Statistics show that many hundreds of kids are being injured every day due to road accidents. Being unaware of the road safety rules, inexperience and carelessness are the main reasons behind the situation. Just like parents at home, teachers should take the role at school to teach students about road safety and best practices. Get […]

For Teachers

10 Simple Christmas Gifts For Teachers

It’s Christmas time. Yippee! A fun day with family and gifts. But the most important thing is sharing and appreciating each other. Time to decide on what gifts we are going to give our family, friends and our loved ones. We might even spend a lot of time thinking what would the person like the […]

For Teachers

How To Create Effective Teaching And Learning Environment In College

Effective teaching and learning. What does it mean today?! Today, teaching and learning are not about giving guidelines but allowing creative freedom at the same time. A futuristic approach is also important, so that, students get ready for the ever-changing technological and social environments outside the college. Get Best Free Art Learning Apps (Check it Now) So, […]

For Teachers

45 Inspirational Quotes For Teachers

Inspirational teacher quotes are a must-have when it’s teacher’s day or a special occasion for your teacher. Here we have compiled a list of 45 inspirational quotes for teachers. You can add these great teacher quotes as WhatsApp status or greeting card wordings or wallpapers. Let’s look at some of the most famous quotes on […]

For Teachers

5 Best Productivity Softwares For Teachers

Ever since the advent of the computers, technology has been playing a key role in the education sector in enabling learning. In addition to accelerating learning, technology has brought about innovative methods of retaining information. In fact, it has replaced the simple scribbling pad and cue cards because the smart devices have the capability to […]

For Teachers

20 Best Attendance Management App for Teachers

Classroom management is one of the key areas where a lot of time is wasted. This time could have otherwise been used effectively for a productive study time. Replacing these manual tasks of attendance taking, assignments management and feedback collection with some comprehensive apps can save a lot of precious teaching time. Moreover, some additional […]

For Teachers

21 Innovative Apps for Teachers

The teaching apps have made the classroom ambiance friendly and students have gained immense interest in learning with interactive and fun elements. These teacher apps help teachers to communicate their ideas more freely and ensure the participation of students. Are you a teacher looking for some good apps for your classroom? Here, let us have […]

For Teachers

15 Educational Trends to Look Out For in 2018

Good news awaits all the educators, students and school administrators for the year ahead. Much to the surprise of all the stakeholders, a number of exciting trends are predicted to shape up, revolutionizing the educational sphere. The year 2018 is all set to shed light on a number of concerns and topics that are poised […]

For Teachers

20 Things Teachers Shouldn’t Do in the Classroom [Infographic]

Students follow their teachers’ footsteps in almost everything. So, a good teacher is supposed to demonstrate only those things which they can ask their students also to do. If the teacher can do a similar project what his/her students have been assigned, then students can come up with better work. It means if the teacher […]

For Teachers

13 Tips for Teachers to Tackle Cyberbullying among Students

Most of the times, student behavior poses challenges to education experts. One such phenomenon is the threat of cyberbullying; bullying a student through the use of electronic media. Bullies send text messages via computers and smartphones which can be threatening or intimidating. Such students can also share content on social media platforms or via gaming […]

For Teachers

How Giving Feedback to Students Makes Them Better

Effective feedback in the classroom is an important tool for learning. Feedback which comes from assessing the performance becomes an indispensable instrument in the toolkit of education. While the main purpose of feedback is to help the students understand the subject in relation to where they stand, it also paves the way to improve their […]

For Teachers

Top 10 Achievements of Stephen Hawking

Imagine being bound to a wheelchair knowing you will never get up from there, all at the mercy of carers and the only thing that works is your mind. Where people usually resort to grief, objection or even self destruction in case of petty failures, Stephen Hawking decided to channelize his major biological defeat into […]

For Teachers

10 Most Popular Stephen Hawking Books of All Times

The mind with the power of singularity has unlocked many mysterious phenomenon of the universe including singularity itself. The legendary physicist Stephen Hawking gave the world a new perception of looking at the cosmos. He was the man who challenged the work of many scientists and philosophers and also went on to prove that “the […]

For Teachers

How Preschool Plays an Important Role in Child Development?

Education that is imparted during early childhood goes a long way in shaping the kid into a promising individual. This happens when kids step into a preschool. Alongside helping kids to socialize with their peers, preschools come as perfect instruments that can boost their confidence levels. As the name suggests, a preschool can be a […]

For Teachers

7 Best Science Movies for the Classroom

Teaching science is no longer a monotonous job when you have science movies that can be played in classrooms. It is only when education merges with entertainment that students grasp the subject matter. Relying on the broadcast of science movies, you can make a topic much more interesting for your students. For all those educators […]

For Teachers

50 Innovative Teaching Methods in Science

Student engagement and understanding of materials is given more emphasis in today’s education over spoon feeding the facts. Therefore, using black-boards or the typical lecture methods are not adequate to teach science and other related subjects. Many scholars and researchers have proposed advanced ideas and they claim that virtual teaching scenarios or simulations can help […]

For Teachers

Why Entertainment is Necessary for Today’s Education

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! This commonly used maxim is so true when it concerns education which demands the constant attention and dedication of knowledge-seekers. However, there will come a time when you find education slowly transforming into a dull form. This brings into focus the need for a fun […]

For Teachers

10 Stunning Augmented Reality Apps for Teaching

Now is the age when a rush of technological advancements is changing every sphere of human life. Speaking of one such innovation is the field of Augmented Reality (AR) which is extensively finding its use in the field of education. Introducing a fun element to learning, here are some mobile applications that allow teachers to […]

For Teachers

17 Benefits of Using Apps in Education

“Teaching in the Internet age means we must teach tomorrow’s skills today.” – Jennifer Fleming Over the past few decades, influence of technology upon children and education has been immense. Education was once equated with money, but things have changed. Great education for your children is no more a dream. It’s affordable. Even average families […]

For Teachers

10 Smart Apps for Preschoolers with Special Needs

Technology has emerged as an essential part of the lives of children. Smart Apps for Preschoolers are useful teaching means for children with special needs. They can be introduced both in the classroom and at home. Parents should kick-start their child’s education with educational apps. These apps are available for children of all ages. But […]

For Teachers

Best Wearables and Smartwatch Apps Used for Education

In recent times, education sector is one of those areas which have seen a good growth rate. We are not so far from the high-tech era where the classrooms will be filled with wearable technology as well as gadgets of the modern era. There is no doubt that these smartwatch apps and wearables will go […]

For Teachers

Know How your Classroom will Look in the Future

Education is changing and the classroom itself has changed a lot, for the good of course. Although we can gauge the future classroom ideas looking at the smart software being used, what actual shape the school of the future will take is still amorphous to us. Due to increasing use of technology and knowledge, the […]

For Teachers

Technology Is Changing The Face Of Education With Smart Learning Objectives. Know How

  Technology has shown its effect on each nook and corner of our lives. Be it professional life or personal, we have been knowingly or unknowingly using technology that has noticeably changed the way we communicate and learn. With the advent of the 21st Century, it has shown a huge impact on the Education system […]

For Teachers

10 Educational Movies Every Teacher Should See

  Undoubtedly, teachers are the ones who play a vital role in molding the character and future of their students. Each one of them has their bars set when it comes to imparting knowledge, some do it with kindness while others put forward their most strict version. Teachers indeed are the torch bearers of next […]

For Teachers

Is Smart Education the Future?

  With smart education in place, experts feel that repetition learning is likely to diminish in the coming years.   Technology has brought about a huge revolution in the education sector. Laptops, e-readers, and even e-learning apps are now part of everyday education. Thanks to the advanced learning solutions that generates smart students. Transformation from […]

For Teachers

10 Smart Apps for Preschoolers with Special Needs

Learning has become more interesting and easier with the evolution of smart apps. there are smart apps especially created for preschoolers with special needs. These Smart apps for preschoolers make it easier for teachers to manage preschoolers with special needs. Must Read: 5 Smart Tips for Parents to Buy School Apps for Kids Here are […]

For Teachers

Importance of EYFS in Children’s Progress

Every child is unique and they learn and develop at different rates and in different ways”- Beverley Hughes Every child deserves the best possible start in their learning life. Early Year Foundation Stage(EYFS) provides support to children and helps to fully utilize their potential. Most children develop and learn during their early years. And the […]

For Teachers

10 Cool School Apps for Teachers

“Teachers who use technology frequently to support learning in their classrooms report greater benefits to student learning, engagement and skills from technology than teachers who spend less time using technology to support learning”- “Educators, Technology and 21st Century Skills: Dispelling Five Myths” Technology has dramatically changed the field of education over the past few decades. […]

For Teachers

Are School Apps Vital for Modern Education?

"Books will soon be obsolete in the public schools…our school system will be completely changed inside of ten years."- Thomas Edison Technology has revolutionized education for the better. Apps are now everywhere! Introduction of school apps has greatly made the life of students and teachers easier. School apps now play an important part in managing, […]

For Teachers

Special Education Needs for Children [EYFS]

Education is really crucial for the healthy mental development of children. To help achieve the best through education, EYFS syllabus is enabled in many schools. But some children are left behind without any special reason. Most parents take the reason as laziness or negligence towards studies. But the fact is that, the child must be […]

For Teachers

A P J Abdul Kalam Quotes on Education, Teachers and Students

The world celebrates World Teachers’ Day on 5th October, every year. It’s because of teachers that you can read this. But this time we are celebrating teacher’s day in the absence of our great former president Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam. Though he cannot be replaced, we can impart some awesome quotes he left […]

For Teachers

Smart Apps to Teach Children Time!

  “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”– Benjamin Franklin While worries about the quality of private education institutions minimises with the involvement of organizations such as KHDA, EYFS makes necessary steps to encourage activities among children. But are we really concerned about the process of learning? Anything taught to them, must be taught […]

For Teachers

5 Easy-to-use Tools for Teachers to Check Plagiarism

More or less, it’s the responsibility of teachers to ensure better progress of students. At a time when innovative syllabuses such as EYFS and quality control institutions such as KHDA and ADEC are present, a teacher’s job can be challenging. The effort required to maintain all aspects of education smoothly is quite high. Hence, teachers […]

For Teachers

14 EYFS Blogs Every Teacher Should Read

Are you are a teacher outside the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, who wants to gift an EYFS-like learning environment to students? If you are, it is a great way to help children practice effective ideas, ensuring better learning experience. But, at times it can be a struggle to come up with fresh ideas in […]

For Teachers

School bullying: What teachers can do and what they shouldn’t?

Like wet cement which reflects anything that falls on it, children cannot always be blamed for the behaviour they showcase. School apps help students to learn better and parent portal helps parents to evaluate their children, but is that enough for our children? For that, execution has to be impeccable. Gifting our children the best environment […]

For Teachers

Cool Apps to Improve your Students Math Skills

Solving problems and memorizing tables will not make kids better at mathematics, says an education expert. Among the subjects destined to learn, mathematics is one subject that students often find difficult to study. May be the difficulty is due to passive learning process. Students learn math best only when they approach the subject as something […]

For Teachers

7 Splendid Apps That Every Teacher Should Know About

With blended learning becoming popular, there has been a huge rise in popularity and production of educational apps in the market. Educational apps tend to give the otherwise boring classrooms a makeover. The students who were once too ignorant to your lectures will turn interested in classes with these interactive and informative educational apps such […]

For Teachers

10 Education Technologies You cannot ignore as a Teacher

“If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow” – John Dewey Technology has revolutionised the whole concept of education. Children remain connected to technology even when outside classrooms. Ever thought of introducing technology to classrooms? Education can be elevated to new heights. Be the kind of teacher, your students […]

For Teachers

Top 10 Stress Managing Tips for School Going Children

Childhood is supposed to be stress-free. But unfortunately they are not so in the present world. School goers experience a significant amount of stress due to their busy schedule, school activities, exams,  results etc. Parent being busier than children, it is very hard to find time for managing stress in their children. So the best […]

For Teachers

Bullying at Schools: How to Deal with It?

‘Bullying’ is not a strange word now. Everywhere, children are facing bullying. Majority of the students in the world are facing bullying from school, from home or through online. Definition Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated or has a potential to be repeated, over […]

For Teachers

5 Steps to Prevent Bullying

There is an English proverb that says, “The soul is healed by being with children”. What if the very lives of these children are in jeopardy? It is a fact that ragging has been in the society for some time now and its intensity worsens every year. Though numerous anti-ragging squads and bodies exist, we […]

For Teachers


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