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Education is one of the fields that have undergone huge transformation during the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the main changes was schools adopting tools for effective online learning and online school management. Many schools have already been using school management software way before the pandemic. Now that the circumstances have changed, it has become a […]
School Management
What are Smart Classes? Smart Classes use digital technology to enhance the learning process. The various audio and visual aids enhance the learning process and make it more fun. The possibilities are endless. Specialized software is designed and optimized to the needs of a specific class, unlike universal solutions. The digital infrastructure enhances the teacher […]
School Management
‘Education is not just about going to school and getting a degree. It’s just about widening your knowledge and absorbing the truth about life’ –Shakunthala Devi Whether you learn or teach, assessing where you or your student stands are an integral part of every learning process. This is usually done through tests and traditionally tests […]
School Management
Have you ever thought about the significance of creative classroom setup in the productive learning experience of students? Studies say that the seating arrangement of students in a classroom or the structure of a classroom design has a lot to do with the overall teaching and learning results. Free Classroom Activity Apps (Check it NOW) […]
School Management
Teaching and preparing every student for a bright career is quite serious business. But a teacher doesn’t have to behave seriously or humorless to fulfill his or her job. In fact, humor allows them to enhance their ability to connect with students in college. Free Class Room Activity Apps (Check it Now) Including funny stories […]
School Management
The introduction of advanced smart school software in the past decades marked an important era of education. The influence of technologies is making our schools smarter than ever before by giving options for students to benefit from innovative ideas such as flipped classrooms and blended learning. Most of the schools all over the country […]
School Management
School should be a place where children love to go. To make it lovable and stress-free we can do something. 1. Make an order and rules from the very beginning: Having a classroom routine from the very first day of their school life will enable the kid to understand that school is somewhat a systematic […]
School Management
School management is not an easy task. A person doing it single-handedly deserves much appreciation. Majority of the schools have tried many alternatives to reduce the efforts and they were successful only to some extent. But there is one thing that they can do for better school management-to have an HR department! You might have […]
School Management
KHDA is the educational quality assurance and regulatory authority of the Government of Dubai, which monitors the quality and development of private schools in Dubai. To ensure the quality of these schools, KHDA conducts inspections every year and the ratings would later be published in the KHDA website. This gives the parents an insight of the quality […]
School Management
Parents rushed to school to get their children after learning that five students may have had contact with the Ebola patients of Dallas hospital. It was only after the confirmation of governor that there is no reason for alarm that things got normal. Two parents removed their children from school due to the fear of […]
School Management
A student favourite among the teachers, Radhika was a passionate individual concerned about her students and helped them in every possible way. Her efforts helped numerous students win a lot of prizes for the institution. One day, a colleague asked her why she is being so passionate, as she doesn’t get recognition of any sort […]
School Management
If there is one thing to revolutionize Indian schools, what would that be? There might be several answers – changing the syllabus, teaching styles, and many more. But have you ever thought of the management side, and the general absence of HR Departments in Indian schools? If yes, you would have reflected on the reasons. […]
School Management
My colleague was furious. He was swearing at the school representative over his cell phone. As I was looking at his actions with mild amusement, he slammed his phone on the work desk and kept muttering. He saw I was looking at him, and told me, “The idiots at my kids’ school are saying they […]
School Management
One day, I was sitting in the staff room with a couple of other teachers. One of them was describing her experience to all of us. “Until that moment, the students were all calm. Then suddenly, without warning, the classroom turned to utter chaos. All I saw was students yelling and fighting with each other […]
School Management
School management is not an easy job at all. It requires lots of effort to manage every aspect of a school in an efficient manner. Those aspects include timetable management, performance management, payroll management, bookstore management and so on. The worst part is that, in most schools, all these tasks are done manually. Many tools […]
School Management
Admissions, recruitment of staff, quality assurance, performance management, retention and motivation of educators- school management! The functions and responsibilities of a school management range from recruiting to orienting new employees, creating job descriptions to tracking attendance, monitoring policies to monitoring benefits and what else. Nothing matters more to educational institutions than the teachers who work […]
School Management
Today, people are ready to accept anything that would make their tasks easier. They are always in search of all-in-one packages. Smartphones are a good example of this. And, that tendency to embrace all-in-one packages is exactly why smart card solutions by Edsys would be relevant in student life. Many tasks related to school can […]
School Management
A smart card is a payment card embedded with a computer chip (RFID technology), and functions more or less like a mini-computer on a card. The information on these cards are digitized and encrypted within a set of parameters. These cards can be used across a number of industries and are in use all over […]
School Management
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