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School Culture

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14 Timeless Elements for Strong Student Teacher Relationship

An effective learning environment is only possible when everyone learns from each other. A strong student teacher relationship can make things easy. Teaching is no more a one-way process where teacher gives lectures and students take notes. Today’s effective classroom comprises interactive learning sessions when teacher and students contribute their roles and students are more […]

School Culture

Corporal Punishment In Schools – Definition & Consequences

Please allow us to start by explaining what corporal punishment in schools environment means. Any kind of punishment in which force is used to inflict pain, discomfort any type of distress to the student is called corporal punishment. This could be physical or emotional ache caused, however light. It’s petrifying for any parents who love their […]

School Culture

20 Best Education System in the World

Top 20 Countries with the Best Higher Education System in the World Education is of paramount importance to an individual as well as society. No matter which region or country we are living in, we must preserve our education system so that it helps us in preserving our knowledge. Education System Education helps an individual […]

School Culture

Top 13 Strategies to Improve Students Attendance

The school or college attendance is the primary principal point in which students lack these days. If you take a look at the most pressing issues in colleges regarding students, you will find student attendance levels to be in the top 3. The situation has deteriorated to such an extent that students no longer care […]

School Culture

Teach Cleanliness to Your Child Effortlessly

One of the seven areas of learning in EYFS relates to the physical development of the child. Teaching your children to follow healthy ways and healthy habits in life is really important. Training your child- What are the areas to focus on? Don’t restrict yourself on putting your effort only in making them learn how […]

School Culture


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