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Social Development

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Teaching the Concept of Relationships to Your Kids

Building relationships is a fundamental part of every life. As humans, we are more evolved in understanding ourselves and others, which allows us to build relationships at every walk of our lives. But the same emotional maturity makes us fairly complex in terms of building relationships. The life teaches us about relationships, but it doesn’t […]

Social Development

15 Reasons We Need sports in school curriculum

There is no doubt about the importance of regular physical activity in a person’s life that not only helps them to stay healthy but also improves their emotional fitness. Including such activities right from the childhood is a good idea as it helps them to make it a part of their routine with ease. That […]

Social Development

10 Story Books That Teach Children The Importance Of Sharing

Guardians who are ordained to inculcate a strong foundation of life’s principles in children can vouch for the importance of sharing. To share is to care. In line with this adage, it is the duty of the parents and educators in particular to harp on the virtue of sharing which manifests in the form of […]

Social Development

15 Tips for Creating Fruitful Environment for Kids

“Nine-tenths of education is encouragement”. This is an adage quoted by Anatole France. Ponder over this thought and you will understand the basic foundation of parenting is to encourage kids. While you as parents and teachers encourage your children, you will be showing them the way to learn new things. Empathy Towards Kids Kids who […]

Social Development

6 Simple Steps to Handle Problematic Child

Tired of fighting with your problematic child? Both teachers and parents feel the urge to be angry at them, but that’s not the way out. We have better solutions for your problem. While the quality of education, infrastructure and other facilities in schools are monitored by institutions such as KHDA and ADEC around the world, […]

Social Development

Why Should Parents And Teachers Acknowledge School Diversity?

In today’s age, we are becoming more and more culturally and ethnically diverse in all aspects of life. It spans across educational backgrounds, religion, language, race, ethnicity and geography. In spite of diversity that surrounds us most schools do not take a proactive approach to acknowledging diversity. There are numerous reasons why schools, parents and […]

Social Development

7 Ways Teachers Can Prepare Children for a Connected World

  “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune” -Jim Rohn As a student, you were never trained to speak up in school nor at home. If you sat silently without daring to give a single opinion on anything, you may be staying the same even today. There might have […]

Social Development

Solving Problems of Inequality in Schools

Social equality is the state of affairs in which all people within a specific society or established group have the same status in certain respects. But, inequality is evident in most aspects of lives which includes racial, ethnic, socio-cultural and economic differences. Along with society, the egos of man create inequality. Inequalities in schools Children […]

Social Development


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