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10 Best English Learning Apps for Students

It is the era of globalisation and English is one language that binds the world together, in terms of communication. Nowadays, students and professionals look for better opportunities and are always ready to migrate to any corner of the world that would give them the best of everything they need to achieve their goals. In […]


Why Edtech (Educational Technology) is Important?

Educational technology simply means technology aided education. It can include use of computers, computer programs, or learning systems to provide education and training to students and professionals. Free EdTech Apps List (Check it Now) Technology was introduced to education as a part of keeping pace with the innovations in the field. So, edtech has been […]


15 Best Coding Apps for Primary School Students

Coding is a part of digital transformation and therefore, is expected to be an essential skill that everyone should have in the future. Even today, many of the job requirements in the IT sector include basic coding skills. Parents and schools have been encouraging students to start learning to code at school level. As a […]


12 Best Edtech Companies Around the World

The COVID -19 pandemic has set out a new kind of normal in different sectors, education being one of them. Online learning has become more prominent so as to not interrupt students from attaining education. The result is thriving edtech companies that have been continuously churning out different apps that aid learning. Get More Free […]


Tips to Create Digital Content for Inclusive Learning

Online learning has become the new norm now, thanks to the benefits it provides over traditional learning methods. It is convenient, affordable, and saves time, and the best part is that it is accessible to anyone currently in school or wish to continue their education. With that, the use of digital content for learning has […]


Online Learning The Present and The Future

Technology in education has paved way for drastic changes in the field, adding to the efficiency and ease. Educational institutions, teachers and students have all equally benefitted from it. Online learning is one of the notable edtech that has grown popular over the years that many reputed educational institutions have joined the league in providing […]



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