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Apps for Parents

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15 Best Learning Apps for Adults

You are never too old to keep learning. If you thought learning comes with an age limit, it is time you change your mind. There are many examples of people in this world who have pursued learning at later stages of their lives, for their passion for it. One example is Karthyayani Amma – a […]

Apps for Parents

10 Best English Learning Apps for Students

It is the era of globalisation and English is one language that binds the world together, in terms of communication. Nowadays, students and professionals look for better opportunities and are always ready to migrate to any corner of the world that would give them the best of everything they need to achieve their goals. In […]

Apps for Parents

Great Apps for Parent-Teacher Communication

As a parent, you too have a role to play in your child’s schooling, rather than just letting the teacher take care of everything. You have to know what is happening in your child’s school and how he or she is faring in the class. To know that, you must attend parent-teacher meetings. Get Best […]

Apps for Parents

17 Benefits of Using Apps in Education

“Teaching in the Internet age means we must teach tomorrow’s skills today.” – Jennifer Fleming Over the past few decades, influence of technology upon children and education has been immense. Education was once equated with money, but things have changed. Great education for your children is no more a dream. It’s affordable. Even average families […]

Apps for Parents

How Can Parents Help Their Child In Learning?

“Children are the readers on the laps of their parents.” Learning and development actually begin at home itself. Learning done at home will have a long lasting effect on the child during their progress to schools. Parents can do the following activities with their children: “Don’t ask your child to live in your world, visit […]

Apps for Parents

5 Smart Tips for Parents to Buy School Apps for Kids

iTunes and Play Store along with other major app stores categorise thousands of apps under the section, learning apps for kids . As a parent, you could be mesmerized by the wide choice of school apps that are available i n these digital stores. But, have you ever had a second thought about whether you […]

Apps for Parents

Effects of using Parent Portal in Schools

  Today schools seek technology for improving their communication and involvement with parents. Use of student information system and parent portal features complements home school communication and thus keeps parents involved in every activities of the school. Student information system is a software which helps to store data on each student’s performance. This system has […]

Apps for Parents

How School Apps are used to Engage Parents & Students

We all have seen that over the last decade, apps have been gradually changing the way we live our lives. They have massively influenced how we perform our day to day activities. There are apps for entertainment, communication, management, business, and much more. It is unjust to totally neglect using this when the scope of […]

Apps for Parents

Must -have Smart Apps for Preschoolers in 2016

Once smart phones were considered a luxury for adults. Now smart phone apps have gained wide popularity due to its usefulness. The advent of smart apps revolutionized the life of every people. People find it very convenient to fulfill their necessity with a single click. Learning can be made fun for children with the introduction […]

Apps for Parents

6 Ways School Apps are Important for Parents

Mobile apps offer an array of significant ways to engage students, teachers and parents. There are a lot of possibilities with mobile phones than gaming, shopping and video watching. Now it’s possible to be connected with your child’s school via your mobile. School apps can help you with this. Being connected to your school via […]

Apps for Parents

KHDA Recommended Approaches to Improve Parents’ Role in Their Children’s Education

  Knowledge and Human Development Authority ensures quality education in Dubai private schools. KHDA always comes up with new ideas that can be beneficial for your Child’s education. This government organization recommends the involvement of parents in the education of their children. Responsibilities of parents are not limited to selecting the best school for children. […]

Apps for Parents

Smart Apps for Preschoolers to Learn Phonics and Letters

  Technology is taking over our lives for better. It’s astonishing to notice that it’s even affecting children. There are smart apps for preschoolers out there that can help your child to revolutionize their learning experience. With your help, children can learn the basic concept of Phonics and Letters even before starting school. Not with […]

Apps for Parents

11 Smart Apps for Pre-schoolers You should Download Now!

It is a fact that technology is taking over our lives. It is helping people stay connected than ever before. Technology does magic in the field of education as well. Learning new things are a touch away, as lectures are bought home according to convenience and interest. Technology has extended its helping hand over to […]

Apps for Parents

5 Education Apps to Spruce Up Holidays

When holidays are at the doorsteps, children make a lot of plans. Parents always feel the urge to find something that can make them engaged as well as safe. What if something can be introduced to your children that can keep them engaged and enhances their knowledge/learning skill at the same time? That’s where education […]

Apps for Parents


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