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Classroom Management

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15 Effective Work from Home Tips for Teachers

Work from Home Tips For Teachers The outbreak of Covid 19 has left us with an unexpected time. Classes have moved online and teachers are working from home to cope with online classes. Though it was hard for teachers, in the beginning, to move online, they have put their efforts to give it a smooth […]

Classroom Management

24 Ways to Provide Effective Feedback for Learning

Feedback is an information, advise, praise or evaluation given to a student, by the teacher, about his or her performance for his learning outcomes. It helps the student to enhance his performance and achievement. Giving proper feedback to a student is one of the greatest challenges that you, as a teacher may face. In fact, […]

Classroom Management

How Teachers Can Help a Child Struggling With Reading

Several students often suffer from limited reading capabilities. Students who find it challenging to grasp basic reading skills may find education very difficult later on in life. It is absolutely necessary that every student be able to read proficiently by a certain age. Primary and middle school teachers are crucial in this fight against reading […]

Classroom Management

How To Turn Around Annoying Behavior Of Students In Classroom

Handling the annoying behavior of students is an informal job description of every teacher. But handling such behavior is not enough, you have to have the ability to turn it around. As a teacher, it’s a responsibility to ensure the positive growth of students. Get Best Free Student Apps (Check it Now) For that, you […]

Classroom Management

Classroom Management Strategies – 6 Keys to Lasting Change in Classroom

Teaching has never been so tough the way it is today. Teachers are playing really smart to get the best out of their students as their achievement is directly proportional to the efforts they put in the classroom. This calls for good classroom management strategies as it’s really tough for the students to gain knowledge in […]

Classroom Management

Top 6 Classroom Management Strategies for Keeping Students Attention

  Teaching has never been an easy job. Taking care of a bunch of teenagers, who are just ready to do anything but studies, take lots of patience and well planned classroom management strategies. If you feel helpless at times while finishing this challenge, then there are many people similar to you facing similar delimma. […]

Classroom Management

How Class Software can help Teachers to Get Rid of Classroom Distractions

Smart school software is one step ahead in imparting quality education and helping students learn in a smart way. But with the advent of technology, there are multiple distractions which can hamper student’s performance in the long run. Children are hooked up to their cellphones and while learning, it becomes tough for them to focus […]

Classroom Management

7 Classroom Strategies to Help Students Motivate Themselves

While in the classroom, learning may not be the most interesting aspect for students. The lessons, teachers, and other stuff may not excite students or compel them to study well. One missing ingredient here is the motivation which can indeed move mountains if used in the right direction. At each stage of learning, teachers and […]

Classroom Management

Top Classroom Management Strategies for Keeping the Attention of Your Students

When you enter a classroom, you find students chatting in groups while some others making noises just for fun. This is, indeed, a common sight for teacher who walks in with a study plan in his or her mind. With so much distraction around the students, its quite easy for them to get carried away […]

Classroom Management

Smart Classroom Management Strategies to Build Relationships

You might have heard that great teachers doesn’t simply teach class lessons. They impart life lessons as well. To do that, building relationships with students are very important. Here are some smart classroom management strategies to help you build lasting teacher-student relationships. Avoid Friction With Students i. Avoid strategies that cause friction with students for […]

Classroom Management

Smart Classroom Management Strategies to Tackle Bad Behavior

Teaching a number of children with different attitudes, behaviour and attention spans can be a challenging task. Bad behavior is not something a teacher should tolerate in a classroom. You cannot ignore it or it will get worse. It is crucial to teach students to manage their own behavior. Understanding the root cause of the […]

Classroom Management

4 Essential Parts of Classroom Management Strategies

If you want to help students motivate themselves, there should be a balance provided intrinsically and extrinsically. Autonomy, competence, relatedness, and relevance are the four qualities that are critical for this process. They are the 4 essential parts of Classroom Management Strategies. Let’s go through these 4. Free Classroom Activity Apps (Check it Now) Read Also: 19 […]

Classroom Management

9 Inspirational Movies for Teachers

If we rewind yourselves to our school days, most of us had an inspiring teacher, right? Such teachers will definitely help students reach new heights by making a difference in their lives, their attitude as well as behavior. But where do these teachers get inspired from? Certain movies about teachers and students can really help […]

Classroom Management

19 Smart Classroom Management Strategies for Teachers

Grabbing students’ attention in a classroom is not easy for a teacher. Ideal classroom management strategies can help. Getting students to stay interested and engaged in a classroom is not that easy. Classroom management issues are a great concern, especially for beginning teachers. Reliable smart classroom management strategies are crucial to create a successful learning environment, […]

Classroom Management

10 Awesome Tips to Manage School Discipline Issues

“The discipline you learn and character you build from setting and achieving a goal can be more valuable than the achievement of the goal itself.” Discipline plays a vital role in maintaining a civilized life. Proper discipline can significantly decrease unnecessary chaos existing in daily life. For the effective operation of an institution like a […]

Classroom Management

Top 12 Classroom Management Tips

Whether you’re a new or experienced teacher, these 12 effective classroom management tips will help you run your class smoothly and will also help to create a positive learning environment for your students. Free Class Room Activity Apps (Check it Now) 1) Stick to the Rules but don’t be too Strict Rules and routines help […]

Classroom Management


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