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10 Best English Learning Apps for Students

It is the era of globalisation and English is one language that binds the world together, in terms of communication. Nowadays, students and professionals look for better opportunities and are always ready to migrate to any corner of the world that would give them the best of everything they need to achieve their goals. In […]

Learning Tips

Tips to Create Digital Content for Inclusive Learning

Online learning has become the new norm now, thanks to the benefits it provides over traditional learning methods. It is convenient, affordable, and saves time, and the best part is that it is accessible to anyone currently in school or wish to continue their education. With that, the use of digital content for learning has […]

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Top 12 Language Learning Apps for 2023

Languages are powerful. They are a bridge to a new country, window to a new culture, and a new perspective for you to view the world. Most syllabi around the world have made learning an extra language, preferably a foreign language, mandatory. Some even consider learning languages as a hobby. Also, since work culture has […]

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12 Best Typing Practice Apps to Enhance Typing Skills

Learning how to type is important now more than ever. The most essential technological skill for students to know in 2022 is proper touch typing (keyboarding). More significantly, individuals who can’t type well have a distinct drawback in computer-based assessment because their poor typing slows them down and costs crucial test time. To prepare for […]

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Gamification in Education: How to bring Games to your Classroom?

What is Gamification? “Gamification is about taking something that is not a game and applying game mechanics to increase user engagement, happiness, and loyalty!” Gamification is all about taking elements from game-design, the theories and principles that drive gameplay are taken out and apply it to other contexts. The term ‘gamification was coined back in […]

Learning Tips

What is SQ3R? A Definition for Teachers and Students

SQ3R is an amazing teaching and learning strategy designed to help students to improve the understanding and retention of what they have learned. This is in fact a sequence that can be applied throughout the reading process to move from smaller to larger details and then back again. Teachers use this strategy to get the […]

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20 Effective Reading Strategies For Students

Reading is an exercise for your mind. It is a way of turning a text into meaning and then understanding it to interact with it through a message. To make your reading more effective, you may make a sense of what you read. Often you unconsciously lose the meaning in between, which causes a sense […]

Learning Tips

What Is Prodigy? A Math Game for Skill Building

Teachers are widely using game-based learning strategies to help kids to understand difficult subjects like mathematics. Prodigy is a curriculum aligned math video game that is designed to connect to your students easily in class while reinforcing essential skills along with lesson content. Unlike other games, the prodigy math game is highly adaptive as it […]

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9 Tips for a Successful Semester in College (Infographics)

Things need a different approach when you reach college. It is a whole new experience and nothing like school.  Many of you might have the idea that college is more about fun and less about studies. Well, it’s a balancing act! No doubt you will have your chances at having fun and exploring new things […]

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10 Strategies Quick Learners Use to Pick up Anything

Quick learning ability helps you to outsmart your classmates or colleagues, experience a greater edge and stay on top of the achiever’s list. However, this ability doesn’t come easy and one has to dedicatedly apply constant effort to develop this skill. Have you ever wondered about what your friend is doing different from you to […]

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22 Last Minute Exam Preparation Strategies

It is always advised to study the portions regularly so that you just need to revise it at the time of exams. However, it is quite common for students to skip their regular study sessions and indulge in fun activities. Exams turn out a nightmare for such students and the exam pressure takes away their […]

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12 Smart Study Tactics That Supports How the Brain Actually Works

Are you looking for ways to outsmart your friends by learning smartly and scoring well? There are lots of strategies and techniques put forward by enthusiasts to help out students to utilize their potential and excel well. However, certain tactics really support the way brain actually works and thus assure productive results over time. Even […]

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How To Make Homework Less Stressful For Students

Homework is a major part of student education. Homework is assigned to students so they could revise what they studied at school while there are at home. But when a student is overwhelmed or frustrated by homework it could have a negative impact on their performance. Too much homework can cause higher levels of stress […]

Learning Tips

How to Make a Mind Map for Studying

A mind map is a diagram that connects bits of a topic to form a hierarchical representation that is easy to remember and recollect. With an aim to promote study skills amongst students, mind mapping is a promising tool. Mind maps encourage students to not only visualize educational concepts but also express them better. They prompt […]

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8 Strategies To Make Learning Easier For Struggling Students

In a class, there are several types of students. Teachers hence should be equipped with various methods that can meet the varying needs of students with differential IQ levels. While some students find it easy to grasp the concepts taught in class, but some struggle in that. Teachers, in their endeavor to handhold students struggling […]

Learning Tips

10 Things to Make Your Kid a Better Problem Solver Forever

You as a hands-on parent or tutor will not be doing a favor to your wards by being there for them at all times. Constant intervention from parents and teachers can work well with the learning abilities of kids when they begin to rely on your instructions. In the event you are not around, they […]

Learning Tips

13 Ways To Deal With The Exam Stress

While it is a common phenomenon to experience an exam stress, you should also keep in mind that the stressful thoughts should not get out of control. It is a feeling of an uncertainty having an edge over the exam preparation that prompts you to feel “butterflies in your stomach”. Don’t worry Here are 15 […]

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7 Learning Styles Which Can Prove Better For Kids

When in school, you would have thoroughly enjoyed a lecture delivered by a particular teacher. Then, you would start looking forward to the class he/she takes. In contrast, you would have also experienced a monotonous teaching pattern followed by another faculty. What makes this difference? It could be the teacher’s attitude, energy levels, and the […]

Learning Tips

Gestures Can Make Ideas More Memorable in Kids. Know How

It is the role of parents and teachers to help the kids to think and learn right from their childhood. It is a fact that kids who are exposed to communicative gestures can have a better chance to study languages in pretty quick succession, and they can handle bigger vocabularies in no time. The proper […]

Learning Tips

Guessing Games Can Help in Solving Math Problems. How?

You as a parent must have noticed the difficulty your child has with numbers while he is so good at reading and writing English. He might even find it difficult to perform simple mathematical functions like additions and subtractions. Helping such kids, guessing games come as interesting and fun-filled options to master the seemingly complicated […]

Learning Tips

Benefits of Gamification in Learning and Instruction

Games and studies should never be mixed  The famous notion that we all have been fed with in our growing years was busted in the recent years, with the introduction of games, video or any other, into classrooms. Introduction of gaming into education has been found to make the learning process easier. Also, incorporating elements […]

Learning Tips

7 Best Ways to Use Mobile technology for Exam Preparation

Burning the midnight oil, exam time is that period in the life of a student which creates a lot of stress, struggling with printed subject material. Not anymore! With technology impacting every sphere of human life, electronic gadgets have become a part and parcel of students’ life in their pursuit of knowledge. Helping you prepare […]

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10 Simple Steps to Motivate Your Students to Read

“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”– Joseph Addison Knowledge and wisdom can never survive without reading. The more you know, the more you grow. Are schools contributing their best for our children? Early Years Foundation Stage helps to build a better foundation in pre-schoolers by encouraging activities. But that’s not […]

Learning Tips

7 Reasons Why Playful Learning is a Game Changer

Why do children love games? Obviously, the fun factors of games attract them towards it. They might forget the lessons taught to them but not the games and it rules. Why not merge both games and lessons? There are a lot of advantages that comes with playful learning. It improves memory and stimulates growth of […]

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