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Student Entertainment

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30 Inspirational Movies That Every Student Must Watch

Traditional classroom teaching alone cannot motivate every student. Given that children love entertainment, inspirational movies are an effective and easy medium to motivate them. If you are a teacher or a parent, you might understand this very well. It is essential for students to feel affection towards learning. Access Here More Than 1000+ FREE Educational […]

Student Entertainment

20 Interesting Independence Day Celebrations Ideas & Activities for Schools

It is a proud moment for everyone as we approach another Independence Day on August 15th. This annual observance has a great significance and this special day is celebrated for commemorating our brave leaders and fighters of history who won us the freedom we are enjoying today. On this great occasion, schools usually come up […]

Student Entertainment

Minecraft Education Edition Review

Minecraft: Education Edition is a special educational edition of the famous block-based game Minecraft. The Minecraft: Education Edition builds on the creativity of the original game to help enhance learning in virtually any subject area. From math to science to history to the Roman Colosseum, students can discover, create, experiment, and make mistakes during the […]

Student Entertainment

23 Best YouTube Channels for Kids and Teens

When we come to think about it, digital transformation in education has been hastened by the lockdown due to the Corona Pandemic. Children are at home 24/7 and the schools are closed until the end of 2020. Parents are breaking their heads trying to find ways to keep kids edutained (education + entertainment). Thats’s when […]

Student Entertainment

25 Best Programming Movies Every Programming Student Must Watch!

Programming movies are an all-time addiction not only for programmers but also for kids of all ages. As we all know movies are powerful in creating impressions in the people’s minds and also they are a bundle of inspiration, entertainment, and education as well. Programming movies can really inspire programmers to code again. Hats off […]

Student Entertainment

46 Cheesy Math Jokes that’ll Make “Sum” of your Students LOL

Though maths is an interesting subject, it’s a hard nut to crack for a majority. That is why teachers lookout for different strategies to make teaching more creative, funny, and engaging to invoke interest in the kids. Gamification and math puzzles are among the most tried out techniques in today’s classrooms and the idea of […]

Student Entertainment

70+ Best Christmas Quotes for Students and Teachers

Christmas! It’s the most wonderful time of the year,! This season will fill your heart with joy and love. It’s the time of gathering with your friends and families, a period of sharing gifts, etc Here are some of the famous Christmas quotes for you, while wrapping gifts for your friends and families, tag any […]

Student Entertainment

12 Fascinating Movies About AI for students

Students get easily inspired by the innovations around them which can even change their perspective about life. Artificial intelligence is one such area which has gained much popularity among the student groups and has now become an important element in the digital classrooms. Teaching and learning scenario has transformed to the next level with the […]

Student Entertainment

Top 12 Inspirational Animated Movies For Students

Animated movies have now become an indispensable element of student life as they not only give them some fun time but also share some moral values of life. Most of the animated movies for students are truly inspiring and keeps on motivating them to work hard in life and chase their dreams. Even those movies […]

Student Entertainment

Why Educational Value of Anime is Immense?

Parents have always raised concerns about their kids getting addicted to watching anime movies. However, research studies have claimed that anime movies can be used as a good study tool for kids. The research analysts have enough points to substantiate the findings. Many of the anime movies can motivate Kids to grow successful in life […]

Student Entertainment

Top 12 Motivational Stories For Students To Work Hard

Some students will have a drive from inside to learn new things and explore new ideas while some others look into successful persons around them and get self-motivated to learn hard. Best Free Kids Stories Apps (Check it Now) However, this is not the case for all students and many of them will need immense […]

Student Entertainment

10 Incredible Movies for Toddlers

If you have a toddler at home, you must be aware how difficult it is to keep them entertained. Running after them throughout the day, drains out your energy and yet you cannot leave them unattended. In such a scenario, what can you do where your toddler will get entertained while you can rest for […]

Student Entertainment

8 Family Friendly Superhero Movies

The best way to spend family time is to catch up of superhero movies. They are fun, interesting and have superb time pass qualities. Ask any adult and they will jump with joy at the mention of their favorite superhero. Such is the charm of superhero movies. So if you have not been to a […]

Student Entertainment

35 Pictures That Evoke School Memories

School days are the happiest. Countless memories are tangled with school days. Refresh your Indian school memories with these pictures. 1. Covering Books before Every Academic Year 2. Chewing Gum to Look Cool 3. Drawing the Superheroes in the Last Page 4. Exploring Ideas during Crafts Period 5. Free Periods and Games 6. Faking Illness […]

Student Entertainment


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