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Famous Educational Personalities

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These are the 15 Best Teachers in the World

One of the most famous and best teachers quotes says “Teaching is the one profession that creates all other professions.” It is an undeniable fact that, without good teachers, there would be no scientists, politicians, engineers, doctors, writers, or artists. Teachers are the foundation of a good education system. When we talk about the role […]

Famous Educational Personalities

25 Popular Freedom Fighters of India

Behind the celebration of Independence on 15th August, 1947, there is a much violent and chaotic history of fierce rebellions, wars and movements done by thousands of spirited Indian freedom fighters.All these freedom fighters of India fought, struggled and even sacrificed their lives in an effort to free India from British rule. Get Best FREE […]

Famous Educational Personalities

500+ Words Essay on Rabindranath Tagore

Essay on Rabindranath Tagore: Rabindranath Tagore, a great Indian poet, novelist, song composer, playwright, and a great scholar was born in Calcutta on the 7th of May in 1861.His birthday is marked as Rabindranath Tagore Jayanthi. He was born in a rich and orthodox Brahmin family. His parents were Maharsi Debendranath Tagore and Sarada Devi.His […]

Famous Educational Personalities

A P J Abdul Kalam Books For Students

Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, the 11th president of India, is an inspiration for students. Born in the small town of Rameshwaram in Tamilnadu, he rose to the position of the first citizen of the nation through hard work, perseverance, and determination. Dr. Kalam was a key person both in the Indian Space Research Organisation […]

Famous Educational Personalities

6 Lessons Every Student Can Learn From Stan Lee

An era of Marvel Comics has ended with Stan Lee. Stan Lee, the genius, who created a whole new universe of superheroes with his sheer creativity has passed away at 95. He was the soul of MARVEL universe and every superhero character in it. Captain America, Iron Man, Black Panther, Spider-Man, and thousands of characters […]

Famous Educational Personalities

International Literacy Day – Everything You Need To Know

International literacy day is celebrated around the globe on 8 September. What is Literacy? The basic definition highlights an individual’s ability to read and write. Literacy in simple terms means how good you are in comprehending what you can read. Can you interpret a version of the story to another in your own words? The […]

Famous Educational Personalities

Top 10 Achievements of Stephen Hawking

Imagine being bound to a wheelchair knowing you will never get up from there, all at the mercy of carers and the only thing that works is your mind. Where people usually resort to grief, objection or even self destruction in case of petty failures, Stephen Hawking decided to channelize his major biological defeat into […]

Famous Educational Personalities

10 Most Popular Stephen Hawking Books of All Times

The mind with the power of singularity has unlocked many mysterious phenomenon of the universe including singularity itself. The legendary physicist Stephen Hawking gave the world a new perception of looking at the cosmos. He was the man who challenged the work of many scientists and philosophers and also went on to prove that “the […]

Famous Educational Personalities


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